Welcome, please feel free to browse our store.

New Account Details

Email Address: *
New Password *
Repeat Password *
Company Name
Forename *
Surname *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Town / City *
County / State *
Postcode / Zip *
Telephone Number *
Fax Number
How many Stores/Counters do you have?
No. of years trading?
Website (if applicable):
Please keep me on your mailing list

Please note: Once your account details have been completed and you have submitted the form above, you will be transferred directly to your account, but viewing of products will still be restricted.

Once your account has been manually authorised by our staff you will be able to have full view of all categories and products. You will be notified by email once this happens.

Trade Discounts
Don't forget your trade discount is flexible...
The more you spend, the more discount you get!
What's the point of sale?
So you STAND out from the crowd!
Display Stand
Our display stands are purpose made to display all our products to their full potential - increasing your sales!